Sunday 18 January 2015

Reading Challenges 2015: NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge

Falling for YA is hosting the NetGalley/Edelweiss Reading Challenge 2015, and introduces it thusly:

Have you ever logged on to Edelweiss or NetGalley with the intention of "Just Looking" and then logged off having requested 5 new titles even though your TBR list is a mile long? This challenge will (hopefully) give you the incentive to tackle your review books, stumble on new ones, and get your NetGalley percentage to the desired 80%!

Bronze - 10 books
Silver - 25 books 
Gold - 50 books
Platinum - 75 books
Diamond - 100 books 

While I severely doubt that I'll be able to get my NetGalley percentage to 80% (it's currently on a measly 14%), I am going to do my level best at reviewing a few more of the books I'm lucky enough to be granted ARCs of. Hence I'm signing up for the Bronze level and commit myself to reviewing at least 10 books from my NetGalley hoard this year. I will try to do better, but know myself well enough not to overreach with this challenge.

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